About France that is not only Paris – Part I: Beauvais and Rouen Cathedral

IMG_1265 - CopyI have visited France four times by now and haven`t once been to its capital. For some reason I feel absolutely indifferent towards the overhyped glamour of Paris. I recognize the cultural impact the city is capable of, but comparing Paris to the whole of France seems unjustified. It is a big and historically and culturally rich country that has a lot to tell. To imagine that everything that the country has to offer could be experienced in one city seems naïve to me. And I have seen enough of it to say that people that restrict themselves to exploring only the country`s capital are missing out. I have been planning my latest trip to France since August. Although towards Jean-Paul Sartre`s political and philosophical views, not unlike the majority of Marxist and post-modernist French philosophers of the time, I feel a certain revulsion and am in a habit of criticizing, his novels and short stories are generally enjoyable reads. Healthy amount of nihilism is entertaining to observe in his characters. This summer I have indulged myself in reading his collection of short stories The Wall. One story in particular called The Childhood of a Leader was especially intriguing. At one point in the story the main character – Lucien – embarks on a trip to Rouen with his friend Bergère. After reading this segment I decided to visit the same city in northern France with my beautiful life’s companion – Anna.

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